屏幕媒体是如何伤害婴儿的, 嘉宾是Danielle hose, DPT, 在上州的“知情病人”播客上


当家庭成员过于关注手机时,婴儿的发育会受到影响, 电视或电脑, 解释了 丹妮尔·胡斯,DPT; 这与美国儿科学会和世界卫生组织的建议相呼应. Hoose, fellow physical therapists and nurses researched this topic in a paper published in the Journal of Pediatric Nursing. She discusses the team's findings and how new parents are not advised about how their screen behavior might affect their child. Hoose is a pediatric clinical specialist and part of the voluntary clinical faculty in Upstate’s department of physical therapy education. 

